Today, more so than ever before, when I see the Sepik River and the beauty in its totality, I don’t just see this as belonging to the Sepik’s and Papua New Guineans anymore. No, I see all these as belonging to the world. I want the world to see and appreciate what it’s like when a natural marvel such as the Sepik River is left intact, used wisely, celebrated and protected from harm.
This is probably the last place on earth where people talk to plants and other animals of the world, where all the people are named after plants and animals, the rivers, the sky, the spirits and how all these are interconnected. People are connected to the land, and people can appreciate how rich and beautiful this place is, and that’s why we are protecting the Sepik River. We also want the world to see and feel the interconnectedness. This must be a World river. This must be a World Heritage. We still have it here in Papua New Guinea!
We need to bring this message out to the world: That, this is not only Papua New Guinea’s river and rainforests, but Papua New Guineans are custodians of something that must belong to the world.
– Emmanuel Peni, Project Sepik