Sukundimi Tribesman: Guardian of the Mighty Sepik River

Sukundimi Tribesman: Guardian of the Mighty Sepik River

The mighty Sepik River has existed since the dawn of time, twisting and turning, forming a wide belt of active meanders and fish populated great lakes, depositing vast amounts of fresh water into the ocean. The banks of the river are adorned with lianas, sago palms, and pandanus.

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Lukautim Sepik Wara

Lukautim Sepik Wara

The Project Sepik team was part of the 2020 Sepik Culture and Agriculture show highlighting the threat of the proposed Frieda River mine on the Sepik river, its peoples’ and culture.

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UN human rights experts write to governments over PNG’s Frieda Mine

UN human rights experts write to governments over PNG’s Frieda Mine

ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA | A group of independent human rights experts, appointed by the United Nations, have written to the governments of Papua New Guinea, Australia, China and Canada over claims that a massive proposed copper and gold mine in PNG, is threatening the human rights of the local community.

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Organisations call on govt to stop Frieda River mine

Organisations call on govt to stop Frieda River mine

The National | 29 September 2020 Organisations call on govt to stop Frieda River mine The National, Papua New Guinea | 29 September 2020 | Original article can be viewed here TEN United Nations rapporteurs, with the UN Working Group on Human Rights and...

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The Sepik region is one of the most culturally and biodiverse areas on the planet


Frieda River mine project one of the largest known copper and gold deposits in the world


Nominating the Sepik regions rich cultural heritage for World Heritage listing


Show your solidarity by taking action to call for the Rejection of the Frieda River mine

‘ The people of Sepik River are not going to meet PanAust halfway. The people are not going to sit and listen quietly to PanAust, while the company tells them what PanAust plans to do. PanAust needs to listen to the people of the Sepik River. If they don’t, the mine will destroy the Sepik River, and it will destroy our lives along with it. ’

Emmanuel Peni, Project Sepik

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