Giant mineral mine proposed in pristine Papua New Guinean rainforest
RAINFOREST FOUNDATION NORWAY | UN special rapporteurs and indigenous leaders join forces in an unprecedented move against what would be one of the world’s largest mines.
RAINFOREST FOUNDATION NORWAY | UN special rapporteurs and indigenous leaders join forces in an unprecedented move against what would be one of the world’s largest mines.
EMTV | Project Sepik, a community based organization conducting awareness on the proposed Frieda mine in East and West Sepik, says the National Government is yet to respond to 10 UN Special rapporteurs of concerns on the mine.
PROJECT SEPIK & CELCOR MEDIA RELEASE | Ten UN Special Rapporteurs, along with the UN Working Group on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations, have written to the PNG Government to raise their concerns about the proposed Frieda River mine and the risk of failure of its proposed tailings dam.
Jubilee Australia and Project Sepik released ‘The River is Not Ours’ report in June 2019 about PanAust’s proposed Frieda River Mine project in Papua New Guinea’s Sepik region. The report is an investigation of the project’s environmental and social impacts and the views of local communities regarding the mine.
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